Deciphering Bach- It’s Really Very Simple
Victor Rosenbaum
Unlock the mystery of learning Bach’s keyboard music! Our world class performing artists take us on a journey to explore many critical issues in playing Bach’s keyboard music. You will discover the beauty and fascination within the score and learn to approach, understand, and perform Bach’s music in a way that is true to Bach yet reflects your personal interpretation. These 30 minute mini sessions will be packed with practical learning objectives and tips through repertoire like Inventions, Suites and Partitas, The Well Tempered Clavier, and more. So bring your Bach questions and get them answered at these live events!
The very first Invention of Bach sounds simple and straightforward, but that one page of music
reveals many of the issues that one finds in larger, more complex pieces of Bach. A look under
the surface of the piece provides a glimpse of Bach’s compositional process and how
understanding what’s happening inside the piece provides the key for playing it musically.
This course is designed for students, teachers, and music lovers. Playing level from Bach Inventions to Goldberg Variations.